*BSD News Article 71794

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From: andrew@wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de (Andrew Wheadon)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: NetBSD and Novell
Date: 23 Jun 1996 11:26:53 GMT
Organization: Rechenzentrum Uni-Mannheim
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <4qj9lt$433@trumpet.uni-mannheim.de>
References: <DtCHou.Bx2@cix.compulink.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de

In article <DtCHou.Bx2@cix.compulink.co.uk>,
Cranberry Source <cranberry@cix.compulink.co.uk> wrote:
>We are running NetBSD 1.1 at the office and on the same LAN (ethernet) we 
>have a Novell server, to which on the Win95 boxes we mount network disks 
>and printers. Can I do the same on the NetBSD box?  I noticed that the 
>kernel seemed to know IPX even tho none of the man-pages mention it.
We have a similar LAN topology. No you cannot mount Novell volumes
from NetBSD. No you cannot access Novell Printers unless you run
some type of lpd daemon on Novell. (There is a novell-mount client&server
for linux but it would be difficult to port).

You can:
run lpd on the NetBSD machine and connect the printers directly to
 it. You can then send files to it from Novell with an lpr module.
 It's easier to do printer-accounting under Unix anyway.
run a samba server on NetBSD and mount your network disks from Win95
 boxes with it. (Tested and works fine, also the printers on the NetBSD
 machine can be accessed this way.) It is also possible to mount WinNT
 network disks from NetBSD with smbclient.
access your files on Novell via ftp if you load an ftpd module.

>ps. Is ATAPI CD-Rom supported in -current? I saw a patchfor it but never 
>got it to compile.
I'm not sure but looking at the marketing-hype from the other guy
who posted on this subject it probably isn't. Then again concerning
the sudden hype I would wonder whether the user-base is getting to
small to make that OS a viable alternative :-)


The cost of living hasn't affected it's popularity. (Mark Twain)
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