*BSD News Article 71974

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From: pmh@islay.sub.org (Patrick M. Hausen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: tandberg 4100 scsi tape failure (FreeBSD 2.1)
Date: 25 Jun 1996 14:13:00 +0200
Organization: Patrick M. Hausen - private site
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <pmh.835704614@ardbeg.islay.sub.org>
References: <4qm3cp$hni@minotaur.labyrinth.net.au>
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X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #1 (NOV)

jbh@labyrinth.net.au (John Hartley) writes:

>I have been unable to get FreeBSD 2.1 to work with my
>Tandberg SCSI tape drive.
>My configuration is:
>IBM 350/486 DX100 32 MB with Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI card.
>The tape drive is recognised at bootup as follows:
>(ahc0:3:0): "TANDBERG TDC 4100 J04:" type 1 removeable SCSI 2
>st(ahc0:3:0): Sequential-Access density code 0x0, 512-byte blocks, write-enabled

I've never seen that firmware revision, probably that's your problem.
We sold a lot of TDC4100 devices and they all produce

	(ahc0:4:0): "TANDBERG  TDC 4100 =05:" type 1 removable SCSI 2

Note the string "=05:". They work flawlessly BTW.

Maybe you can get a replacement firmware?

Cheers, Paddy

Patrick M. Hausen   Gerwigstr. 11   76131 Karlsruhe   pmh@islay.sub.org
         "For all the good you do you get paid in heaven
              -- for all the bad you pay down here"     (Kieran Halpin)