*BSD News Article 72750

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From: brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk (Brian Somers)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Hylafax DNS Confusion
Date: 3 Jul 1996 01:47:44 -0500
Organization: Coverform Ltd.
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Tom Torrance at home (tom@TOMQNX.tomqnx.com) wrote:
: I am puzzled.  'faxstat' program uses the first nameserver entry 
: in resolv.conf to look up the FAXSERVER name, although I have a 
: properly set up named running, which other programs use to lookup 
: the address for the exact same name.

: This is annoying as I have a demand dial connection to my ISP. 
: I have eliminated the symptoms by putting a entry at the 
: top of resolv.conf.
: This is an awful thing to do where resolv.conf is really needed, as I am
: on a slow link and my ISP is on a T3.

: 1) Am I wrong? Did I screw up?
: 2) Am I correct in believing that resolv.conf should not be used 
: when named is running?
: 3) Is this likely to be a hylafax problem, or a weird resolver problem?

I find the best bet is to have /etc/host.conf say "hosts" before "bind",
and have things such as your FAXSERVER in /etc/hosts.

The problem may be that your DNS is not retaining the cached name info
long enough.  But, FAXSERVER is probably local...

If FAXSERVER is your local machine, set it to "localhost" and make your
DNS a primary for localhost.

If your fax server is on the other end of the ppp, then faxstat has to
make a call anyway.

If FAXSERVER is on a lan, then your DNS should be a primary or secondary
for that name.

If all else fails, you can set up a "dfilter" for ppp to exclude dialing
because of DNS packets.

Brian <brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....