*BSD News Article 72796

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From: nsayer@quack.kfu.com (Nick Sayer)
Subject: Re: Notebook Support
Message-ID: <ns4z3fL@quack.kfu.com>
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Organization: The Duck Pond public unix, +1 408 249 9630, log in as guest.
References: <4rdjdj$qun@bambam.soi.city.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 03:19:41 UTC
Lines: 14

colin@cs.city.ac.uk (Colin Bridgeman) writes:


>I'm thinking of buying a notebook to run FreeBSD 2.0.5 or 2.1 and I'd like to
>know if anyone out there knows about PCMCIA support.

Check out http://www.mt.cs.keio.ac.jp/person/hosokawa/PAO/

Nick Sayer <nsayer@quack.kfu.com>  | "Don't forget to wash where
N6QQQ @ N0ARY.#NORCAL.CA.USA.NOAM  | the sun don't shine!"
+1 408 249 9630, log in as 'guest' | 
URL: http://www.kfu.com/~nsayer/   |      -- Ren Höek