*BSD News Article 74311

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From: elague@umassd.edu
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: bootdisk freese
Date: 20 Jul 1996 20:25:58 GMT
Organization: UMass Dartmouth, N. Dartmouth, MA.
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4srfcm$ekf@gatekeeper.umassd.edu>
Reply-To: elague@umassd.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: mdaxp2.umassd.edu

To allm
    When trying to boot via floppy on my SS 1+ with NetBSD/Sparc 1.2, it 
seems to freese after loading the image into RAM, with an panic that announ-
ces something about 'rd_read_image
ces something about 'rd_read_image'
Is there away to get around this?  My hard drive has a bad magic, and I was
hoping that there was some way to get around this...

Thanks in advance,