*BSD News Article 74440

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From: ernie@eis.net.au (Ernie Elu)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: I can't forward packets
Date: 22 Jul 1996 13:08:31 GMT
Organization: eis.net - Brisbane - Australia
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <4svugf$rif@soggy.eis.net.au>
References: <31F3228F.DF4@ssrnet.snu.ac.kr>
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Lee SeungWon (leesw@ssrnet.snu.ac.kr) wrote:
: I want to forward packets between ethernets.
: I use FreeBSD-2.1.0 and I have two SMC Elite16 cards. 
: I change "/etc/sysconfig".
: This is changing part of the file.
: ...
: network_interfaces "ed0 ed1 lo0"
: ifconfig_ed0="inet netmask"
: ifconfig_ed1="inet netmask"
: ifconfig_lo0="inet localhost"
: ...
: routedflags="-s"
: ...
: gateway=YES
: ...

You will have to use a tighter netmask than what you are using, your example
above would make both interfaces thing that they are in the same subnet.
That could account for the errors as both cards would think there were on
the same ethernet segment. 

Also as a diagnostic try typing routed -s at the command line and it will 
give you an error if i/p forwarding is not on. Make sure you
first kill any copies of routed that are already running.

Try for your netmask, that will give you 
eight address in each subnet (6+network+broadcast).

- Ernie.
         Ernie Elu - ernie@eis.net.au -  Brisbane - Australia
                      "I ping, therefore I am." 