*BSD News Article 74641

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From: cavenerl@nbnet.nb.ca (Lance Cavener)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: Need info on Accounting/user tracking programs.
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 02:05:28 GMT
Organization: Novacon Canada
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <4t6krd$56s@agate.nbnet.nb.ca>
References: <4t0vpr$ce@atheria.europa.com>
Reply-To: cavenerl@nbnet.nb.ca
NNTP-Posting-Host: mctnts01c36.nbnet.nb.ca
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82

On stardate Mon, 22 Jul 1996 22:36:55 GMT, tysman@europa.com sent
holographic email and wrote:

>  I am seeking some information on any good user tracking/accounting
>programs for BSDI 2.1. We are finally setup, and am wondering what
>anyone is personally using, how they like it etc.
>We need one, and dont want to jump in uninformed, or blindly..
>Ease of configuration, and maintenance is important for us.
>Please email me if you are using something that works well, and you
>feel is worth looking at.
>I appreciate any , and all comments.

 Here are some handy accounting tools

 w, last, /var/log/httpd/access_log

 If you really want stuff automated, take 2 minutes of your life and
write a perl script.. I have yet to see an accounting package worth
the 700$ or so they charge (<caugh> internet billing/ISP Monitor

|     Lance Cavener                                                                   | 
|     cavenerl@nbnet.nb.ca                           The NEW! Host of  the G-Web      |
|     Lance.Cavener@novacon.com     		     http://www.novacon.com/~gweb     |
|     Technical Administrator, Novacon Internet			                      |
|  "The Apple Macintosh is for people who get confused with more than 1 mouse button" |
|	                                	      -Former lead programmer of OS/2 |