*BSD News Article 74830

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From: terjem@cc.uit.no (Terje Normann Marthinussen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: problem with 3c590
Date: 27 Jul 1996 18:28:27 GMT
Organization: Computer Centre, University of Tromsoe
Lines: 32
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4tdn4b$btm@news.uit.no>
References: <4rf9u3$7vp@news.uit.no> <4rl1vb$u3@anorak.coverform.lan> <uphgr71uas.fsf@sirius.sbl.cl.nec.co.jp>
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Naoki Hamada (nao@sbl.cl.nec.co.jp) wrote:
| Mike wrote:
| >An alternative fix
| >might be to check free FIFO space again, after requesting the transmit
| >available interrupt, but I haven't bothered pursuing this.
| OK, I tried it. I have no 3C590, so I am not sure if it really works.
| J"org wrote:
| >When it's hanging, it doesn't unwedge itself.  Re-ifconfig'ing is the
| >only way out.
| Because the watchdog always sleeps. I woke it up :-)

Thanks for the help.
I don't really know if the 8000 patch alone or in compination with the
watchdog code did the trick, but it has been working stable now for 
4 days (since I got back from a short vacation).

The reason I don't know what did the trick is that I applied the 8000
patch by hand. It was rather late in the night and some part of my brain 
kept on insisting that eight hundred was written with three zeros, 
while my fingers wrote it with 2 zeros.

I then applied the watchdog patch as well. After this it got working... 
speed at 3.6kbyte/sec though.

When I woke up next morning and got to work again, I quickly realized 
that 800 does not have 3 zeros and after that it worked.

Terje Marthinussen