*BSD News Article 75959

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From: downsj@threadway.teeny.org (Jason Downs)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: OpenBSD newsgroup?
Date: 12 Aug 1996 08:53:36 GMT
Organization: teeny.org: Free Software for a Free Internet
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4umreg$liq@voodoo.pdx.oneworld.com>
References: <slrn50tahs.ia.celestra@celestra.adj.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: threadway.teeny.org

In article <slrn50tahs.ia.celestra@celestra.adj.net>,
	celestra@ix.netcom.com writes:
>Does anyone know where I can post questions about OpenBSD?  Specifically,
>I'm looking for an updated (preferrably, as of last month) CD-ROM
>distribution that contains both OpenBSD and NetBSD.

OpenBSD has several mailing lists, run by majordomo@openbsd.org.  More
information can be found by looking at http://www.openbsd.org.

There is also an alt.os.openbsd-- but it doesn't carry much traffic.

As for a CD, there isn't one yet.  Nor are we ready to make one...  Soon,
though.  I'd assume after NetBSD 1.2 comes out, but who knows...

Jason Downs		   (503) 256-8535 -/- (503) 952-3749
downsj@teeny.org  --> teeny.org: Free Software for a Free Internet <--
	     OpenBSD: The BSD with a soul.  http://www.openbsd.org/