*BSD News Article 77746

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From: Ken Bigelow <kbigelow@www.play-hookey.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: HELP! FreeBSD 2.1.5 intsall problems
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 1996 07:58:49 +0000
Organization: Erol's Internet Services
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Simon Harris wrote:
> Is it just me? or does it appear that 2.1.5 appears to have broken
> functionality that worked just fine in 2.1.0?
> I installed 2.1.0 on my P100 with 32M RAM, 2 IDE HDD, 1 IDE CDROM NE200
> ethernet card etc. "no" problems.
> Now, with 2.1.5, it won't detect my IDE CDROM, hangs with a "signal 11"
> trying to initialize my NE200 card wich makes it basically impossible to
> install as I can not install from my CDROM or via NFS/FTP from a server
> on our network!
> I have been _very_ happy in the past so cannot imagine what has happened
> with this particular release.
> Please don't take this the wrong was as I am still very happy (if not a
> little bemused at present) with FreeBSD in general but can somebody
> please help me out?.
> My System is as follows:
>         Pentium 100
>         32M RAM
>         2 x IDE HDD (HDD 1 - Win95, HDD 2 FreeBSD)
>         1 x IDE CDROM (IRQ 11, I/O 0x1e8+ -or- IRQ 15, I/O 0x170+)
>         SoundBlaster 32 PnP
>         NE2000 compat. (IRQ 5, I/O 300)
> Regards, Simon.

That Plug'n'Pray SoundBlaster card is the first place I'd look for
trouble, especially if it plugs into the ISA buss. The basic way PnP
operates is to take over all interrupts it *can* use and then select
what it thinks it *should* use. Since IRQ 5 is one of the "normal" IRQs
for SB (and is often the default for programs that use it), this would
kill any use of the NE2000 card. Try pulling the SB card and try
installing via ftp.

As to the CD, I think the ATAPI driver needs it to be on 0x170, IRQ 15.

I hope this helps!


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