*BSD News Article 78093

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From: Tony Griffiths <tonyg@OntheNet.com.au>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: System hung
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 11:34:06 +1000
Organization: On the Net (ISP on the Cold Coast, Australia)
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <3237688E.4A8B@OntheNet.com.au>
References: <3235B193.6FA9@trudi.zdv.uni-mainz.de>
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To: "O. Hartmann" <harto000@trudi.zdv.uni-mainz.de>

O. Hartmann wrote:
> Dear Sirs.
> My FreeBSD driven P100 Server hungs! While booting an obviously error
> occured in rc an the server tries to install something (I think its
> nfsiod what seems to be wrong). Now I need access to the system to
> bring it back to life but there is no chance to break the process.
> has anybody any idea how to bring back the stuck server?
> Please mail to:
> harto000@trudi.zdv.uni-mainz.de
> Thanks in advance
> O. Hartmann
Try (at the boot: prompt) ->

boot: -s
and you should get a single-user shell.  Then do-

# mount -a -t ufs

to get your / and /usr mounted so at least you have 'vi' available and
then edit your sysconfig or rc.local or whatever to remove the offending
