*BSD News Article 78104

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From: "R. Miller" <rmiller@syl.nj.nec.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Using PC as router ok?
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 14:56:04 -0400
Organization: NEC Research Institute, Princeton, NJ 08824
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We need to purchase a router for our department. It was suggested by 
someone that we use a PC as both router and firewall. My question to this 
group is - are there any performance considerations?  At what point does 
it make sense to go with a standalone router like a CISCO 4500-M versus 
using a PC running BSDI? Are there any significant limitations to using 
BSDI as far as number of ethernet cards supported or ability of PCI vs 
ISA ethernet cards to handle the throughput?

I welcome any and all commentary on this topic as we are on the verge of 
purchasing a CISCO router unless I get some good feedback about this 
other option... Thanks!

	Ruth Miller		            NEC Open Systems Laboratory
	Senior Systems Administrator                      Princeton, NJ
	609-734-6071                                   fax 609-734-6001