*BSD News Article 78331

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From: jvanvleet@sei-it.com (James Van Vleet)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Simutaneous mono and vga under FreeBSD...
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 17:10:31 GMT
Organization: SEI Information Technology
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <51eoiu$6ck@diemos.isdfa.sei-it.com>
References: <32388517.BA4@wsg.net> <3238632A.6516@www.play-hookey.com>
Reply-To: vanvleet@rrnet.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: silver.cat.rrnet.com
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82

     This is not really true..  I have two machines both running Win95
just fine with a Monochrome and a SVGA card.  It is great for
debugging programs.   Both are running 1024x768 without problems.
Just type "mode mono" in a dos box.  I too would be interested in a
technique for FreeBSD.


Ken Bigelow <kbigelow@www.play-hookey.com> wrote:

>Hang that one up -- it won't fly.

>It is possible to run monochrome and CGA cards simultaneously, because
>their address spaces don't overlap. However, VGA graphics modes will
>overlap both mono and CGA space (segments B000 and B800, respectively).
>Higher-density graphics modes slide into A000 as well. Newer cards with
>even higher density use other techniques to exceed 128k of addressable
>video RAM, but you still can't use the Hercules card at the same time.

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