*BSD News Article 78358

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From: Tony Griffiths <tonyg@OntheNet.com.au>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Installing "src" distribution downloaded from ftp site.
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 12:43:29 +1000
Organization: On the Net (ISP on the Gold Coast, Australia)
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To: willism@moon.flanet.com

Matthew R Willis wrote:
> I have a beginner's question:  How do I install the src distribution
> files I have downloaded from an ftp site?  They are not tar-balled, and
> pkg_install seems to require a tarred and zipped file?
> Thanks!
> Matt
Have you looked at the README files?  I believe that I have seen
something like-

# cat *.tgz | (cd /usr; tar xvzf -

in one of them!  Basically, the tar has been 'sliced' into more
managable 235 KB units so all you need to do it cat them together and
then feed through an un-tar.
