*BSD News Article 78412

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From: steve@inc.net (Steve Kaczkowski)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: How many ethernet interfaces supported by FreeBSD?
Date: 16 Sep 1996 17:54:42 GMT
Organization: Internet Connect, Inc.
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <51k492$ilq@news.inc.net>
References: <51ac45$3h9@pelican.cs.ucla.edu> <51e7e1$j9@anorak.coverform.lan>
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In article <51e7e1$j9@anorak.coverform.lan>, brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk says...
>Andreas Terzis (terzis@pelican.cs.ucla.edu) wrote:
>: Hi all,
>: We want to install a testbed of PCs running FreeBSD connected together
>: in some kind of mesh topology. My question is how many ethernet interfaces
>: are supported by 2.1.5R and if 100BaseT is supported 
>As many as you want, and the SMC EtherPower seems the most appropriate.
>Brian <brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk>
>Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....

Check out http://www.cogent.com

Take a look at their EM964 (4 port DEC 21040 Based 10Mbps) and their EM440TX
(10/100Mbps). I know the EM964 works fine (Just add DE0-DE3 to your kernel and 
recompile). But I'm not sure if the EM440TX works at all, never tried it....

But, I picked up a EM964 from CDW for $470 delivered... Not too bad for a 4 
port ethernet card.....

Hope this helps...

Steve Kaczkowski       Internet Connect, Inc.
Chief Network Engineer    (414)476-ICON
steve@inc.net          FAX(414)476-2403
http://www.inc.net     info@inc.net