*BSD News Article 78755

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From: dwmalone@maths.tcd.ie (David Malone)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Unix too slow for a Web server?
Date: 20 Sep 1996 18:52:55 +0100
Organization: Dept. of Maths, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <51ulln$160@hamilton.maths.tcd.ie>
References: <323ED0BD.222CA97F@pobox.com> <51mod4$f7@umbc7.umbc.edu> <s8hgot6wgb.fsf@sphinx.nuclecu.unam.mx>
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Miguel de Icaza <miguel@sphinx.nuclecu.unam.mx> writes:

>Keep in mind that the default setup of Apache may dispatch pages
>slower than NT just because it does a hostname lookup from the
>incoming connection.  Try to download a set of pages from a stock
>Apache server from a machine without a name and see what happens.

>Fixing this is easy: just tell Apache not to do DNS reverse lookups.

Not that there is any good reason why a machine shouldn't have DNS
records. I'm considering denying people with no DNS records access
here, like the good old anonymous ftp people do...

	David ( on a crusade ;-).