*BSD News Article 7906

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From: terry@cs.weber.edu (A Wizard of Earth C)
Subject: Re: FORTRAN compiler
Message-ID: <1992Nov14.090117.26071@fcom.cc.utah.edu>
Sender: news@fcom.cc.utah.edu
Organization: University of Utah Computer Center
References: <92318.155931MEICJ@QUCDN.QueensU.CA> <RICH.92Nov13164958@omicron.Rice.edu>
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 92 09:01:17 GMT
Lines: 74

In article <RICH.92Nov13164958@omicron.Rice.edu>, rich@Rice.edu (Richard Murphey) writes:
|> In article <92318.155931MEICJ@QUCDN.QueensU.CA> <MEICJ@QUCDN.QueensU.CA> writes:
|>    Hi, there!
|>       Does any body know if there is a fortran compiler for 386bsd,
|>    /or is any body working on it? For a real scientific use of the
|>    system, not just for fun, a fortran compiler is necessary.
|>        C.-J. from Kingston
|> Not a compiler, but there is a translator.  I'll put f2c and fsplit
|> executables and patches up for anon ftp tomorrow.  
|> It compiles linpack and other netlib code just fine.  Rich

I've put my hacked version of f2c (mostly makefile, directory, and shell script
hacks) on ref.tfs.com with my libcompat.a.  You can:

1)	ftp ref.tfs.com
2)	log in
3)	cd /home/terry/fortran
4)	get f2c.Z

These are sources, and should build and install from anywhere.  Here is the

# DATE:         14 Nov 92
# AUTHOR:       Terry Lambert
# VERSION:      1.0

I have made f2c run under 386BSD; basically, you should be able to:

1)      make
2)      make install

in this directory.  That's all there is to it.

To compile programs, you can use either fc or f77 -- they are identical.

Because we don't have the shell getopt as a standard thing on 386bsd yet
(well, you don't have it anyway), you must place a "--" between your source
files any your options, like so:

f77 -o average -- average.f

This makes it inconvenient to use makefiles unless you have installed the
"- hang" patch.

It seems to work, anyway.



The thing compiled some fairly complicated physics code without a burp.

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

                                        "I have an 8 user poetic license" - me
 Get the 386bsd FAQ from agate.berkeley.edu:/pub/386BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial