*BSD News Article 7909

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From: okamoto@chigaku.souka.osakafu-u.ac.jp (Kenji Okamoto)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Ingre89 (In English)
Keywords: Ingres89, need help, news
Message-ID: <8206@earth.chigaku.souka.osakafu-u.ac.jp>
Date: 17 Nov 92 08:05:39 GMT
Organization: Univ of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai
Lines: 21

Several days ago, I posted I had ported Ingres89 to 386bsd.  Many
requests to send my patch has arrived, which exceeds my estimation.
Furthermore, various opinions are proposed how I should deel with it.
I wonder if some other persones have written the article concerning
with it on this NG.  By some accident, although I do not know what is
happening, I can not receive any articles on this NG now. 

I would appreciate you very much, if someone could send me the copy of
the articles responding to my last posting.  It is needed for me to
decide which way I should choose, to post the patch, to send someone
to request put it on some ftp directory, and so on. 

Tanks in advance,

Kenji Okamoto     |             okamoto@earth.chigaku.souka.osakafu-u.ac.jp
 ______  __ |__   |  Universiy of Osaka Prefecture, Dept. of Earth Science,
|__\/__|   /|\    |  Gakuen-cho 1 - 1, Sakai, Osaka 593, Japan
||_|_| |  / + \   |  tel(voice) +81-722-52-1161 (ext)2736 (FAX)+81-722-55-2981