*BSD News Article 80041

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From: Chris Mauritz <ritz@interactive.net>
Subject: Re: HELP: Ascend's Radius server
X-Nntp-Posting-User: ritz
Sender: news@interactive.net (System Administrator)
Organization: IBS Interactive, Inc.
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <Dyuuqt.Lpr@interactive.net>
References: <52af69$45l@news.mel.aone.net.au> <DyBHFv.CqF@interactive.net> <slrn55be0g.o28.root@roosevelt.starlinknet.net>
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Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 12:59:17 GMT

NetVoyage Root user <root@roosevelt.starlinknet.net> wrote:
:)In article <DyBHFv.CqF@interactive.net>, Chris Mauritz wrote:
:)>Nigel Gorry <nigel@4kz.com.au> wrote:
:)>: Hi,
:)>: has anyone sucessfully compiled Ascend's version of the radius daemon
:)>: on FreeBSD (international version - without the restricted encryption)
:)>I've compiled/used it under BSDI 2.1 without incident.  I haven't seen
:)>anything in the source that would lead me to believe there would be any
:)>problems with FreeBSD.

:)radiusd.c calls up malloc.h which is pretty much obsolete and gcc 
:)automatically uses stdin.h instead which seems to cause havoc when
:)trying to make. I tried it on 2.0.5-REL, 2.1.5-REL, and 2.1-stable
:)all with the same results.  But this also happens to be Livingston's
:)version of Radius. BTW is there a gcc flag that could for it to use

The Livingston radius won't work with the Ascend box.  Also, I noted
that someone put a port of the latest Ascend radius stuff in the
2.2-current ports area.

Christopher Mauritz         | For info on internet access:
ritz@interactive.net        | finger/mail info@interactive.net OR
IBS Interactive, Inc.       | http://www.interactive.net/