*BSD News Article 80347

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From: mcampbel@erols.com (Melinda Campbell and family (check the .sig))
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: installation of XFree86
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 05:00:03 GMT
Organization: This house? Are you kidding?
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <53hvq3$gif@boursy.news.erols.com>
References: <Dyyo8D.127@watserv3.uwaterloo.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: man-as3s05.erols.com
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kzhang@watsci.uwaterloo.ca (K. Zhang) wrote:

>Hi there,
>	I recently installed FreeBSD on my computer. It kind of worked. 
>But I have trouble to make my X windows work. I have a partition of WinNT 
>on my disk, my monitor is a cheap Daewoo, a trdent video card and a 
>logitech mouse. I tried to install it from packages, it didn't work. Then 
>I tried to compile it from ports collection, I got a long list of errors 
>scrolled over my monitor before I could see what went wrong. Can anyone 
>point out a solution to my problem? I am still in the process of getting 
>familiar with FreeBSD. 

What you need to do is run the XFree86 files through tar.  Go to /usr
and try

tar -xzf <file>

on each file, and things should work.  Remember to do this as root!

Lee C. -- Manassas, VA, USa
Melinda's my mom--I'm home this semester!