*BSD News Article 80517

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From: gorski@cips01.physik.uni-bonn.de
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: adjusts the system clock to RTC without apm??
Date: 11 Oct 1996 18:52:41 GMT
Organization: ;-)
Lines: 16
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <GORSKI.96Oct11205241@axiom.www.xxx>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rhrz-ts3-p2.rhrz.uni-bonn.de

How can I adjusts the system clock to RTC without installing apm ??

Problem description:

I've suspended my computer by hardware (suspend switch, no laptop).
After activating FreeBSD the system clock differs by the amount of
suspend-time.  The CMOS clock was not suspended and after a reboot I
got the right time back, but this isn't what I dream of. :-(

Thanks for help. (source-code also welcome)