*BSD News Article 80534

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From: mhughes@bridge.com (Michael Hughes)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: xaps over ppp connection (Q)
Date: 10 Oct 1996 19:17:29 GMT
Organization: Bridge Information Systems, Inc.
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <53ji49$dd9@usenet.bridge.com>
References: <325CF4EC.57A3@foto.infi.net>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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In article <53jgb8$rk8@prometheus.acsu.buffalo.edu>,
	nvp@cs.buffalo.edu (Nathan V Patwardhan) writes:
> Tom Misiak (misiak@foto.infi.net) wrote:
>: I then attempted to start a simple xapp to see what 
>: happens.  I executed xcalc& in the telnet term.  After
>: about 45 secs I got the outline of xcalc but the app
>: never became usable (had the frame but nothing in it...)
> Woah boy...
>: Any ideas what could be causing this problem?  
> Yes, better keep an extinguisher by yer desk ... you're setting the phone
> lines on fire.  :)  Seriously, don't forget that you are using a modem, and
> are transmitting an image/bitmap over the net.
> Personally, I'd try a better option like an ISDN or something _much_ faster
> --- probably _at least_ 57,600.
> To prove my point, try xbiff.  Send yourself mail.  xbiff updates quickly.
> xbiff is small.  xbiff is friend of phone line.
> Nate
> nvp@nfic.com

  I have done X over a 14.4 line, I think you are being to hard on it.

Michael Hughes