*BSD News Article 80648

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From: Cornell Kinderknecht <cornell@syl.dl.nec.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: socks5 and realaudio?
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 23:06:55 -0500
Organization: NEC USA - NWSL, Irving, Texas, USA.
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <3261BC5F.5BAC643A@syl.dl.nec.com>
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To: Kinson Chan 陳 前 <kinson@resolink.com>

Kinson Chan 陳 前 wrote:
> >>Why doesnt connect my w95-realaudio-player to my socks5-daemon on a
> >>FreeBSD-2.1 machine?
> >
> >Alternative to trying the RealAudio firewall setup, you could run
> >RealAudio through SocksCap32 and let it handle the Socks5 server
> >traversal.  You can find it at
> >       http://www.socks.nec.com/
> I tried this and it didn't work. What special things have you done for
> RealAudio?

For TCP-mode, nothing special.  If you're wanting to run in UDP-mode, you'll
need to do something like
in your socks server's socks5.conf file.

--- Cornell

| Cornell Kinderknecht          Email: cornell@syl.dl.nec.com |
| NWSL                                                        |
| NEC USA, Inc.                 Phone: 972-518-3509           |
| Irving, TX (Dallas)                                         |