*BSD News Article 80724

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From: jcaron@pressimage.net (Jacques Caron)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc,fr.comp.os.bsd
Subject: Re: Compiling cmu-snmp 2.1.2 on BSD/OS 2.1 ?
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 15:26:07 +0200
Organization: Pressicom, Groupe Pressimage, France
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <jcaron-1410961526070001@news.pressimage.fr>
References: <rdhgnxivjt.fsf@epiphore.francenet.fr>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc:5125 fr.comp.os.bsd:28

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In article <rdhgnxivjt.fsf@epiphore.francenet.fr>, Gildas Perrot
<perrot@francenet.fr> wrote:

>I tried to install cmu-snmp 2.1.2 on BSD/OS 2.1. First I had to do the
>following modifications : 
>        snmplib/md5.c : #define LOWBYTEFIRST TRUE
>        agent/snmpd.c : gettimeofday(nvp) => gettimeofday(nvp, NULL)
>        agent/snmp_vars.c : #include <sys/vm.h> =>  #include <vm/vm.h>
>I still have a problem during 'make all install' :
[list of compile errors]

You'd better get UCD-SNMP. It's based on CMU-SNMP, but compiles much
better on a number of systems (like FreeBSD, for instance). You might have
to add support for yours.

It's available from: <ftp://ftp.ece.ucdavis.edu/pub/snmp/>


-- Jacques Caron - Pressicom - jcaron@pressimage.net
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