*BSD News Article 80852

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From: Chris Mauritz <ritz@interactive.net>
Subject: Re: FreeBSD as news-server??
X-Nntp-Posting-User: ritz
Sender: news@interactive.net (System Administrator)
Organization: IBS Interactive, Inc.
Lines: 54
Message-ID: <DzBp9x.FwD@interactive.net>
References: <537ddl$3cc@amd40.wecs.org> <3258CCD5.ABD322C@FreeBSD.org> <53brfc$sbe@twwells.com> <53ffcu$ktm@itchy.serv.net> <Dz375G.76v@news2.new-york.net> <53ott7$579@adv.IAEhv.nl> <53pm5c$5ks@twwells.com> <53u1ic$61i@flash.noc.best.net> <53ucuj$8qh@twwells.com>
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X-Nntp-Posting-Host: onyx.interactive.net
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 15:20:21 GMT

My setup is like this:

P166 (Tyan Tomcat I)
2 Buslogic 956C fast-wide controllers
4 4gig fast-wide Seagate Barracudas (2 on each controller)
128mb fast page mode parity RAM
512k L2 pipeline burst cache
DEC FDDI connection to 100mbit local lan
T3 connection to news provider (UUnet)
BSDI 2.1 (plus patches)

The disks are divided like so:

Controller 1
cuda 1:
128m swap

cuda 2:
128m swap

Controller 2
cuda 3:
128m swap

cuda 4:
/news/spool/all other news hierachies  (3g)
/news/novdata (1g for news overview files)
128m swap

For news transport, I'm using the latest cnews + the latest
nntp.  I generally get about 5-6 articles per second from
UUnet and haven't ever fallen behind.  I suspect it's capable
of better performance, but UUnet simply doesn't offer me articles
any faster.  I also haven't really taken any extraordinary steps
to optimize things either. 

I generally keep 1 day of binaries and 4-5 days of all other
stuff ('cept clari, which I keep for a week).


Christopher Mauritz         | For info on internet access:
ritz@interactive.net        | finger/mail info@interactive.net OR
IBS Interactive, Inc.       | http://www.interactive.net/