*BSD News Article 80867

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From: jlfox+@pitt.edu (James L Fox)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Is /bin/sh OK?
Date: 16 Oct 1996 18:17:57 GMT
Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <5438sl$pi@usenet.srv.cis.pitt.edu>
References: <JOHN.96Oct10165658@burdell.ece.arizona.edu> <325E882E.95F@www.play-hookey.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sunos1.cis.pitt.edu

In article <325E882E.95F@www.play-hookey.com>,
Ken Bigelow  <kbigelow@www.play-hookey.com> wrote:
>John Galbraith wrote:
>> I recently installed the 2.1.5-RELEASE. ( It went totally smoothly
>> ......
>man chpass. You can do 'chpass -s bash' to change your own shell.

This thread makes me suspect I'm missing something important about
root, toor, /bin/csh, /bin/sh,,,,,,

MUST root run with /bin/csh?

How can I get chpass (chsh, etc) to really update the database
and change an account's shell from /bin/csh to /bin/sh?

   1. /etc/shells contains both entries.
   2. Either as su or user, the command
      chpass -s /bin/sh [user]    // user included when su

results in the following:
chpass: rebuilding the database...
chpass: done

However, /etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd get a fresh date/time
entry (I heard the disk) but they are unchanged.


--Jim Fox
p.s.  BTW, noone has really explained what the account toor is.
      It's not in the index of "Installing and Running FreeBSD".