*BSD News Article 80976

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From: bouyer@dess306.ibp.fr (Manuel BOUYER)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: question....
Date: 16 Oct 1996 12:40:16 GMT
Organization: Universites Paris VI/Paris VII - France
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Message-ID: <542l3g$cb3@vishnu.jussieu.fr>
References: <540m75$a3b@Ares.Manchester.EDU>
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To: shepner@eris.manchester.edu
X-Newsreader: Newsview 0.39 (last pre-beta)

Stephen Hepner (shepner@eris.manchester.edu) wrote:
> I had a bunch of old Suns (w/o software) show up and I was wondering what it 
> would take to load NetBSD on them.
> The machines are 4/60, 4/65, (5) 4/40, 3/60, and a 4/330.  There are 2 60M tape 
> drives (w/o any tapes).  Not terribly sure if there are any floppy drives.

Well, I think the best way is to install from a bootp server, if you
can set up one (from a sun/SunOS, or another host running NetBSD, this is
the best way). If you have a host running SunOS, you could use it
to make a NetBSD bootable disk.

All this is described in the install instructions for NetBSD/sparc or

Manuel Bouyer, MASI, Universite Paris VI.
email: bouyer@masi.ibp.fr