*BSD News Article 81495

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From: haszlaki@students.uiuc.edu (eric richard haszlakiewicz)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.programmer,comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: How to debug C programs
Followup-To: comp.unix.programmer,comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Date: 25 Oct 1996 07:26:56 GMT
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
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Ian Kettleborough (ian@idk.com) wrote:
: C is not new to me, have used it for years in a PC (DOS) 
: envirmonent. There are great debuggers there when things don't go 
: quite right. How and what does one use on BSDI to debug a C program 
: other than a lot of printf's!!
: Any help will be appreciated..

	not sure is BSDI come with this (never used BSDI) but you might
try gdb.  That's the gnu debugger, or dbx which i think is pretty common.
You'll need to compile with -g.  A few commands in gdb are:  list - to
view the source.  break # - set breakpoint at line #.  run - to start your
program.  And cont - to continue after you've gotten to a breakpoint.  Also
step - step a line of c source at a time.  You can get more help by typing
help at the gdb prompt.  dbx is similar but the commands are slightly 
