*BSD News Article 8165

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Xref: sserve news.announce.newgroups:2610 news.groups:54734 comp.unix.bsd:8218
Path: sserve!manuel.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!network.ucsd.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!bounce-back
From: cgd@xcf.berkeley.edu (Chris G. Demetriou)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.unix.bsd
Subject: RFD: comp.os.386bsd.{announce,bugs,devel,misc}
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 23 Nov 1992 18:01:23 -0500
Organization: Kernel Hackers 'r' Us
Lines: 55
Sender: tale@news.UU.NET
Approved: tale@uunet.uu.net
Message-ID: <1erns3INNcs0@news.UU.NET>
NNTP-Posting-Host: news.uu.net
Keywords: 386bsd

This is a RFD (Request for Discussion) of the following groups:

	comp.os.386bsd.announce (moderated)
	comp.os.386bsd misc

All of them are intended to be devoted to the discussion of the
386bsd Operating System, a BSD Net-2 derivative.  Discussion of
this operating system is currently carried out on the newsgroup
comp.unix.bsd, and this is problematic for two reasons:

	(1) comp.unix.bsd is flooded with postings about 386bsd,
		and questions about other operating systems
		are easily missed.
	(2) 386bsd is increasingly divergent from "standard" BSD.
		386bsd is an operating system in its own right,
		and deserves recognition and treatment as such.

The proposed groups would have the following functions:

comp.os.386bsd.announce (moderated):

	It would be a moderated newsgroup, for announcements
	relating to the 386bsd operating system.  I
	(cgd@agate.berkeley.edu) would be the moderator.
	Things appropriate for the .announce group
	would include announcements of new versions of 386bsd,
	announcements of major software releases for 386bsd
	(e.g. new version of X11 for 386bsd), announcements
	of fixes for major bugs, and the like.  FAQs relating to
	386bsd should also be cross-posted to this group.


	This would be a forum for the presentation and discussion
	of bugs, patches, and suggested fixes for 386bsd and software
	which runs under it.

	Discussion of development efforts related to 386bsd.
	386bsd is a research operating system, and there
	is much effort being put into expanding its functionality
	"correctly."  This group would contain that discussion.
	Additionally, developers of device drivers, etc. could
	use this group to keep other 386bsd developers informed
	of their work.


	Discussion about 386bsd which does not fall into the area
	of coverage of any of the other 386bsd groups.  Things
	posted here should not be crossposted to the other 386bsd