*BSD News Article 82010

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From: brian@anorak.coverform.lan (Brian Somers)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: [sing boot] help
Date: 30 Oct 1996 18:31:31 -0000
Organization: Coverform Ltd.
Lines: 15
Sender: brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk
Message-ID: <5586u3$4eo@anorak.coverform.lan>
References: <554trf$2lu@usenet.kornet.nm.kr>
Reply-To: brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk
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In article <554trf$2lu@usenet.kornet.nm.kr>,
	comlab@taeback.kornet.nm.kr (DongHo Lee (kornet)) writes:
: in first, I reboot with single mode ( on booting, I put "-s" option)
: but I can olny mount root with read-only. I can't modified or
: copy the other files related to passwd. I tried to copy spwd.db of 
: other freeBSD machine to my system . I failed.            

If (in single-user mode) you "mount -u /", "mount /usr" and "pwd_mkdb",
your problems should go away.

Brian <brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....