*BSD News Article 83004

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From: kbibb@best.com (Ken Bibb)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.bsd.misc,alt.folklore.computers
Subject: Re: On the Naming of UNIX Things
Date: 16 Nov 1996 11:28:05 -0800
Organization: BEST Internet Communications
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <kbibb.848172436@shellx>
References: <55vhpf$q3o@mail1.wg.waii.com> <328386bc.112278367@news.ov.com> <562i2k$f3a@kirin.wwa.com> <steve.847913388@fastnet.prd.co.uk> <328bb47a.2221749@news.msn.fullfeed.com> <56jl24$hhg@ordeal.cts.com> <56kli3$395@kirin.wwa.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: shellx.best.com
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #6 (NOV)
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.misc:26480 comp.unix.bsd.misc:1531 alt.folklore.computers:124717

In <56kli3$395@kirin.wwa.com> jeverett@wwa.com (John Everett) writes:

>In article <56jl24$hhg@ordeal.cts.com>, cwr@cts.com says...
>>Jay R. Jaeger (Jay.Jaeger@msn.fullfeed.com) wrote:
>>: steve@fastnet.prd.co.uk (Steve Blinkhorn) wrote:
>>: <snip>
>>: > someone who knows how to pronounce daemon
>>: >properly.
>>: >
>>: <snip>
>>: According to whom?  The dictionary I ahve lists the pronunciation as
>>: dEmen  (long E).  However, I know lots of would be Unix hacks who, for
>>: some reason, think it should be pronounced dAmen (long A).  Or is this
>>: one of those British English vs. US English debates?
>>Daemons and demons differ.   Unix uses daemons (the ae is a dipthong)
>>but through time and casual usage I think most people now refer to
>>them as demons.  Pity, since the earlier usage makes more sense.

>As I've posted here before, DAEMON was pronounced deemon (not daymon) when it 
>was implemented on the PDP-10; back when UNIX was just a gleam in Ken 
>Thompson's eye.

But daemon is derived from the greek "daimon" (benevolent spirit).
Hence the correct (greek) pronounciation has the dipthong.

Ken Bibb                "If the boundary breaks I'm no longer alone
kbibb@arastar.com        Don't discourage me
kbibb@best.com           Bring out the stars/On the first day"
kbibb@csd.sgi.com               David Sylvian--"The First Day"