*BSD News Article 83120

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From: Steve Gailey <steveg@metrosol.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Installing on IDE/SCSI system
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 08:48:46 +0000
Organization: Metronome Solutions Ltd.
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Dear FreeBSD People,

I am just getting around to installing 2.1.5 as 2.1.6 arrives, typical.

I have done the installation on and Intel GX Workstation which has an internal IDE drive
running DOS/Windows and an external SCSI disk connected to the AIC-6360 SCSI controller on
the motherboard.

The installation went fine, and my plan was to boot this system from floppy when I want the
FreeBSD. I had a similar arrangement with 2.0 and it worked just fine. The problem is that I
either can't boot or I can't mount '/'.

I get a message saying that the hd contoller isn't known and of course the sd controller will
boot, but then gets confused when it comes to mounting the root partition.

I have tried disabling the IDE contoller and the FreeBSD boots just fine. This however would
be a complete pain as it is an EISA machine and I am sick of EISA config not assured type

HAs the support for booting a SCIS disk from floppy changed recently, or am I forgetting

Thanks in advance.
