*BSD News Article 83262

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From: brian@anorak.utell.net (Brian Somers)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Two devices with same IP
Date: 19 Nov 1996 13:23:01 -0000
Organization: Coverform Ltd.
Lines: 21
Sender: brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk
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In article <328EF58B.16E4@www.play-hookey.com>,
	Ken Bigelow <kbigelow@www.play-hookey.com> writes:
: I have no problem with that. My gateway/mailserver/Webserver/etc. is
: running FreeBSD 2.1R. It uses a 33.6k modem for connection to my ISP,
: and an NE2100 clone (lnc0) for my local network. Both ports have the
: same IP address, and work fine with no trouble. Since they are both
: attached to the same box, neither my ISP nor my local network (nor
: anyone else) have any trouble indentifying this box as a unique node.
: I also have no problem operating through this box to access the Internet
: from other boxes on my local network, or accessing the local net from
: outside.

Of course this assumes that all but one of the interfaces have a netmask
of 0xffffffff :)

Brian <brian%anorak.coverform.lan@awfulhak.demon.co.uk>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....