*BSD News Article 83389

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From: caj@emanon.comm.net (Pisces Iscariot)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: PPP: horrible telnet latency with ftp
Date: 22 Nov 1996 01:08:25 GMT
Organization: People's Front Against The WWW
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <572ue9$lqv@fox.comm.net>
Reply-To: caj@comm.net
NNTP-Posting-Host: ts01-port06.nod.comm.net

I'm running user mode PPP.  Everything works just fine except that
latency over, say, a telnet connection becomes unbelievably bad when
I am also doing an ftp transfer.  I've tried messing with the MRU, to
no effect.  Any other ideas?

Might kernel ppp handle this a bit better?  I am considering switching
anyway as I move to a dedicated link with fixed IP.  Good idea?


caj@comm.net        ---        "Ponder this on the tree of woe."  
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