*BSD News Article 83391

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From: macwhiz@phoebe.rochester.ican.net (Rob Levandowski)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Help Needed: Archive Python autoloader and Amanda port
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 21:35:29 -0500
Organization: MacWhiz Technologies
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <macwhiz-ya023180002111962135290001@news.ican.net>
References: <3292187A.41C67EA6@phoebe.rochester.ican.net> <56u0p9$c3@cnn.nas.nasa.gov>
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In article <56u0p9$c3@cnn.nas.nasa.gov>, truesdel@gizmo.nas.nasa.gov (David
A. Truesdell) wrote:

>Rob Levandowski <robl@phoebe.rochester.ican.net> writes:
>>What do I need to do to access the autoloader mechanism, either in
>>general, or with AMANDA specifically?
>I'm not running 2.2-current, I'm running 2.1.5 (will be 2.1.6 RSN).
>What I have is Jason Thorpe's version of the SCSI media changer code installed
>in my kernel and a perl script which uses a command called "chio" (part of
>thorpej's modifications) to manage the tape loader.
>I've been using it for about two months and am very happy with it.

Where can I get this code?  I don't seem to have it, or I'm not seeing it.

What I have managed to do is adapt a perl script originally intended for a
HP autoloader, which controls the drive through raw SCSI commands.  I've
created a glue script for that older script, so that amtape can deal with
it.  As soon as I get the rough edges polished off, I'll make it available
to the Internet community.

Robert Levandowski
Internet Systems Analyst, ACC Long Distance Corp.
[Opinions expressed are solely my own, and not those of ACC Corp.]