*BSD News Article 83407

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From: jh@axis.se (Joergen Haegg)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: FreeBSD && big memory (>64Mbyte)
Date: 22 Nov 1996 09:20:47 GMT
Organization: Axis Communications AB
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <573r9g$mlv@roma.axis.se>
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Does anyone know why one must recompile the kernel
to install more than 64 Mbyte of memory?

I found some note that FreeBSD trusts the CMOS to be right, and
for some reasons it isn't right beyond 16 or 64 Mbyte
Couldn't FreeBSD find out the size for itself?

It seems as if win95, OS/2 and other systems are doing their own
size calculation, not depending on the CMOS parameter.

Can anyone explain this to me? :-)

/Jörgen Hägg