*BSD News Article 83654

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From: hirsh@skypoint.com (Roger P Johnson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: tvtwm and the panner
Date: 27 Nov 1996 04:26:02 GMT
Organization: SkyPoint Communications, Inc.
Lines: 24
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <57gfsq$qkd@stratus.skypoint.net>
References: <577o04$66h@rosebud.sdsc.edu>
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   Edit your .tvtwmrc file. 

   In the "Variables" section of .tvtwmrc, include things like:

VirtualDesktop "3x3"           # or whatever virtual size you wish
Sticky { "Virtual Desktop" }   # make it sticky
StickyAbove                    # make above windows

   Do your man tvtwm and READ READ READ and READ it! Once you see how the
.tvtwmrc (or any other resource file) is configured it's easy!

 I think I ripped my inital .tvtwmrc from /usr/X11R6/<somewhere>/system.tvtwmrc
and edited that accordingly


Tony Sterrett (tony@duck.sdsc.edu) wrote:

: 	Hi is anyone using tvtwm as a window manager? If so can someone
: 	give me adivce on using the pannner? Man tvtwm talk about using the
: 	panner but it does talk about how you bring it up.
: Thanks in advance
: Tony