*BSD News Article 83759

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From: j@ida.interface-business.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Solaris 2.6
Date: 28 Nov 1996 10:59:36 GMT
Organization: interface business GmbH, Dresden
Lines: 39
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Message-ID: <57jrao$pfd@innocence.interface-business.de>
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casper@fwi.uva.nl (Casper H.S. Dik) wrote:

> >With either the new or the old shared lib, it works.
> Neat trick.  Do you use the same size for off_t?


> Was this a little endian machine?  (Some difference as
> you get a bit more lee way in argument passing)

Yes, it was.  However, you noticed that i carefully called the lseek()
with a third argument != 0, to find about these kinds of problems.

(My only big-endian machine here is AIX, sorry.  Ah, well, and a Sun,
but i haven't come round to nuke the Solaris there in favor of NetBSD,
just to test it. ;-)

> Did you try assigning a > 32 bit value to off_t?

This will very probably not work, but it won't work in your horror-
scenario (;-) either if the underlying libs are 32-bit off_t only.

> >Does linking a 4.4BSD .o file against a 4.3BSD library also count?
> >Then see above.
> No, not really.  And the other way around only counts if you
> can do it for *all* .o files.  Not just one sample case.

If you can gimme a more complex 4.3BSD (32-bit off_t) library, e.g.
from some of your database vendors, along with their .h files and an
example, i'd give it a try.  But mind you, i simply ran out of 4.3BSD
.o files now... (after a painless transition, but you knew this
already :-).

J"org Wunsch					       Unix support engineer
joerg_wunsch@interface-business.de       http://www.interface-business.de/~j