*BSD News Article 83934

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From: phil@ns.qnis.net (Phil Jensen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Serious brain damage in /bin/sh for FreeBSD 2.1.5
Date: 30 Nov 1996 11:20:45 -0000
Organization: QuadraNet Internet Services
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <57p5ad$jmv@ns.qnis.net>
References: <stanbE1M2D2.38I@netcom.com> <stanbE1Mw49.41q@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ns.qnis.net

In article <stanbE1Mw49.41q@netcom.com>, Stan Brown <stanb@netcom.com> wrote:
>stanb@netcom.com (Stan Brown) writes:

>	No that;s part of my pint./bin/sh as suplied with FreeBSD 2.1.5 is
>	neitger posix compliant, nor bourne shell compliant. It has some
>	features of the posix shell that cause it be try to do things that iy
>	can't do, because it's not fully posix compliant.

What are you talking about?  Have you even to read the man pages on the 
Bourne shell?  (It is actually ash, a 100% pd clone of the Bourne shell.)
Quoting the gospel:

"Only features designated by POSIX, plus a few Berkeley extensions, are
 being incorporated into the shell."

Before you go spouting that the FreeBSD shell -isn't- compatible, why
don't you try reading the POSIX 1003.2 document itself?  

>	The resultof this is serious problems wth the whole system, since
>	*many* things are shell scripta te use /bin/sh.

Why don't you show us some serious problems?  I'd be happy to look at what
is "broken."

Phil Jensen				QuadraNet Internet Services
Network Administrator / Manager		http://www.qnis.net
UNIX -is- user-friendly!  Its just picky about who its friends are.
Check out my Bourne Shell Tips Page!  http://www.qnis.net/~phil/faq.html