*BSD News Article 84166

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From: tedm@agora.rdrop.com
Newsgroups: comp.emulators.apple2,comp.sys.apple2.programmer,comp.sys.apple2,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: URGENT: Need to Transfer data from Apple3 disks
Date: 4 Dec 1996 07:05:54 GMT
Organization: Symantec Corp.
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <5837si$3cg@Symiserver2.symantec.com>
References: <32A1B37A.20EE@community.net> <580h2s$f8h@carrera.intergate.bc.ca>
Reply-To: tedm@agora.rdrop.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: shiva2.central.com
X-Newsreader: IBM NewsReader/2 v1.2.5
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.emulators.apple2:9508 comp.sys.apple2.programmer:7367 comp.sys.apple2:104648 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:31984

In <580h2s$f8h@carrera.intergate.bc.ca>, neisel@intergate.bc.ca (Nelson Eisel) writes:
>In article <32A1B37A.20EE@community.net>, kestas@community.net says...
>>URGENT: Need to Transfer data from Apple3 disks
>>        I have to read the data from several hundred Apple3 disks, created by 
>>Apple Writer. A small charity I'm associated with used the system for @10 
>>and the machine just went south . 

>An Apple ][ with a 5.25" drive could read it, but I've never heard of a way to 
>read Apple /// disks on a DOS box.

There used to be DOS programs around that would read some apple disks,
however your best bet would be to find an old Apple machine and replace the
hardware with it.  Nowadays people are too embarassed even to drag the things
out of their garages to the local swap meets, but if you go to a few of the flea
markets you might find someone who has one in their attic.