*BSD News Article 84171

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From: tedm@agora.rdrop.com
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: PPP Masquerading in FreeBSD Distributions?
Date: 4 Dec 1996 08:45:58 GMT
Organization: Symantec Corp.
Lines: 82
Message-ID: <583do6$4t2@Symiserver2.symantec.com>
References: <Pine.BSF.3.91.961127181207.9864B-100000@darkstar> <32A16888.2781E494@FreeBSD.org>
Reply-To: tedm@agora.rdrop.com
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In <32A16888.2781E494@FreeBSD.org>, "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.org> writes:
>Charles Mott wrote:
>> I have neither the experience nor inclination needed for submitting code
>> to the FreeBSD Central Committee (or should I say Politburo?).  For those

>So please don't hurl around epithets like "politburo" just because we're
>unwilling to further engage in bad software engineering practices which
>we've learned to avoid the hard way.  If you're willing to support this

I just want to interject something here that you both seem to forget -
the whole point of FreeBSD is that the source is available and compilable.

If C Mott wants to create a NAT solution then what is wrong with putting it
in the ports section as a TAR file?  Is it really necessary for everything on the
damn CD to be installable with pkg_add?  Are we coding for men or babies?

While it's nice to have a single command to install various packages and their
sources into Unixes, some provision has to be made for the wealth of patches
and software out there that is specifically "Do it yourself/roll your own" on
the CD.

For example, take Ingres.  A long time ago, Ingres was available as a port on the
FreeBSD 1.1 CD.  Julian I think did it.

That program disappeared when the move went to 2.x, obviously because
Julian got busy with other things, some major change occured that meant
work had to be done digging in the Ingres source, etc. etc. etc.

However, what happens when someone wants to go compile Ingres on 2.1.6
today?  Well, they have to reinvent all the fixes that Julian had to put into the
source, plus make any additional fixes needed.  Since the 1.1 ports aren't
generally available anymore, the likelyhood is that they will never know
that Julian even did anything with it to begin with!

Wouldn't it be much better to have a separate directory on the CD labeled
"stuff that came in off the Internet that probably works with X version of
FreeBSD, but no guarenteees that it works today, but it is here in case you
want to have a wack at it or see what someone else came up with while
having their wack at it"

In the case of NAT, as a System Admin I know that Cmott's solution works on
2.1.5, and if I were to decide to use it I'd set up a 2.1.5 server, run the Cmott NAT
stuff on it and stuff the entire thing into a golden can that no one would touch.
I wouldn't care if FreeBSD went to version 200.1.5 that machine would _never_
be upgraded!!!

In my opinion, someone who wasn't comfortable with putting a bunch of
kernel patches into their system and recompiling it shouldn't be running
NAT in the first place in any case!

I'm not advocating busting up the submittal process here.  All I'm saying is that
the only reason that I buy a FreeBSD CD (other than to help fund development of
the OS) is so I don't have to go chasing all over the Internet looking for this and
that, or trying to find something on a server that doesen't exist anymore.

As FreeBSD grows in popularity there are going to be more folks that
are going to want to produce one-shot applications, guarenteed for only a 
specific release of FreeBSD, and who aren't interested in the slightest in
guarenteeing their code after the release of that particular version of FreeBSD.
The thing that is important to understand is that there is nothing inherently
wrong with this - as long as the code works on that version it's not that much
trouble to set up a special machine to run just that application, if it's that

After all, is there some software god up there that will strike you
down dead if you _don't_ go rushing out at the drop of a hat to upgrade to
every new version of operating system or program that comes out?  Is there
some cosmic balance that will be disturbed if en-masse all the users of a
particular software package were to politely tell the manufacturer of that
package to go to hell when the manufacturer decides they need a quick
cash infusion and so shoves something half-baked out the door and slaps a 
new version number on it?  Is it a requirement for software users to salivate
and bark like dogs when they see a commercial for a software package
that is identical to the old package except that it has a few bugs fixed
and thus has a version number generated from some arbitrary number like
the number of planets in the solar system, or the number of years since some
ancient prophet died in the Middle East?    Sheesh!!!!    ;-)

  The goal in these cases should not be to integrate these projects
into a continuing effort of the operating system, rather the goal should be to
make these projects available as case studies for future people that may want
to work on them someday.