*BSD News Article 84295

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From: "James W. Williams" <rootbear@rahul.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: AMD 386sx with 4 megs; can it be done?
Date: 4 Dec 1996 00:32:40 GMT
Organization: a2i network
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <582gr8$64j@samba.rahul.net>
References: <b58_9611301919@usbbs.com> <57vlqq$a93@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: foxtrot.rahul.net
NNTP-Posting-User: rootbear
Cc: williams

In article <57vlqq$a93@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca>,
Tim Vanderhoek <ac199@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca> wrote:
>Well, I've got it on a 4MB 386sx/16 downstairs, which I used quite 
>frequently ~6 months ago...  Worked great, especially considering I 
>limited it to ~70MB hdd space.  It did crash, though, if I tried logging 
>in 5 different times simultaneously...  Other than that, it was just 
>slow.  Even had a fake dumb terminal hooked up to it.

I once ran a very small version of Linux, called minilinux, that ran well
on small hardware, came on five floppies, and included X and networking!
It occured to me it might be fun to put together a minimalist version of
FreeBSD that would be suited to small systems, especially when I realized
that it would have to be called WeeBSD...
