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From: "Alan L. Stange" <stange@bnl.gov>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Solaris 2.6
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 13:02:37 -0500
Organization: Brookhaven National Lab
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Paul David Fox wrote:
> I dont understand this. 2.5 vs 2.5.1 must imply a small difference
> in functionality/performance. If the difference is large, then one
> must ask why was 2.5 released and immediately followed by 2.5.1?
> If the diffs are that good then why not call it 2.6?
> To me, 2.5.1 sounds like a minor upgrade to 2.5. Were the changes
> that drastic?
> In my opinion, 2.5. was fine except it looks like Sun ballsed up
> and released something that wasnt high on the quality control. So
> 2.5.1 came into existing to fix those issues. But then Sun went
> on about all that WEB server performance hype. Oh well, thats
> company politics for you.

It seems odd to me to write "I don't understand X" and to then
go on and state "in my opinion" about that same topic.

Basically, 2.5.1 was 2.5 with some bug/performance changes,
expanded VM space, etc.  In addition, it had support for the
dual cpu Ultrasparc 2, the Creator 3D frame buffer and, of course,
the Power PC version of Solaris came out at 2.5.1.  Note that
this is just my recollection of various press releases and
discussions with Sun people.  I think was also providing support
for the Ultra Enterprise systems too.

If anything, it seems to me that this was similar to having
the old "Solaris 2.4 hardware 3/95" type additions to an OS
release, but having it done in a less confusing way.

Alan L. Stange    stange@bnl.gov     http://dcsadm.bnl.gov/~stange/