*BSD News Article 84438

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From: Andres Kruse <kruse@suncms.cern.ch>
Subject: netbsd/68k aka macbsd on pb190?
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: suncms.cern.ch
Message-ID: <kr1ybfbfwxq.fsf@suncms.cern.ch>
Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System)
Organization: CERN European Lab for Particle Physics
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.3/Emacs 19.34
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 16:40:33 GMT
Lines: 19

Hi Netters,

before buying one of those el cheapo 190 powerbooks... 

I scanned the relevant sites (www.macbsd.com) but did not
come across a definite statement about it... all I found was
stuff about PowerBook 500s working....

Does anyone know whether MacBSD will work on a Powerbook 190?
Remember it has a 68040/66...



Andres Kruse         | CERN Geneva, ECP division, CMD (DAQ for CMS)
Andres.Kruse@cern.ch | "Let the good times roll!"