*BSD News Article 84566

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From: mw@theatre.pandora.sax.de (Martin Welk)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: How use a mouse with FreeBSD
Date: 9 Dec 1996 12:01:34 GMT
Organization: Private Usenet site.
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Message-ID: <58gv2u$ire@theatre.pandora.sax.de>
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In article <32aa6a53.2747004@news.zippo.com>,
	wexler@inter.net.il (Enoch Wexler) writes:

>A few days ago I asked the same question...
>There is no standard API for a mouse in Unix (only under X). True or
>false, I don't know.
>Never mind portability, it seems that nobody bothered to provide any
>doc on programming the mouse under FreeBSD -- we are expected to
>discover it by ourselves from mouse.h, psm.c and mse.c :-(

I don't know if that's what the original author, Giacomo Cocchella
<gcocc@mbox.vol.it>, wanted to know. I'm not sure if that what I'm
gonna tell is what he wants to know :-) On the other hand, nobody
wrote an answer like mine yet.

I've installed a FreeBSD-2.2-PRELEASE some weeks ago on a friend's system
and he wanted mouse support on his virtual consoles.

FreeBSD comes along with the syscons console driver, for this there is a
moused (mouse daemon) available that occupies the ,,real'' mouse (at least
serial, I'm sure bus mouses are also supported but I can't check it as I
don't have a newer FreeBSD than 2.1 available here and 2.1 has no moused)
and offers a virtual mouse interface to the X server.

You can use the mouse under X as always possible and in text mode for cut
and paste like under X.

 /| /|        | /| /            ,,You know, there's a lot of opportunities,
/ |/ | artin  |/ |/ elk                     if you're knowing to take them,
                                  you know, there's a lot of opportunities,
Meissen, Germany, Europe                 if there aren't you can make them,
mw@theatre.pandora.sax.de              make or break them!'' (Tennant/Lowe)