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From: Paul David Fox <pfox@lehman.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc,comp.unix.internals,comp.unix.osf.osf1
Subject: Re: Solaris 2.6
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:05:27 +0000
Organization: Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Lines: 75
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Rainer Landes wrote:
> Paul David Fox wrote:
> ...
> > support person to sit next to you and spend his(her) whole life
> > typing in those darn very-long-license-keys.
> I get the licenses as files or as e-mail, and I just put them via
> command line redirection into lmf. No typing in, no problem...
> (except the base license, of course)
> I currently have 17 licenses registered, and I think this took 2 or three minutes,
> not more.

Well good for you. I'm sure if I could be bothered to spend a 
_couple of hours_ finding and reading the _FM_ I would do too.
However 2 hours of my time is not worth it when I only
need to spend 15 minutes logged on to compile my application.

As a member of the ASAP program, they sent me a tree of printed info.
No e-mail. I aint gonna sit down and type those darn things in and its
my personal interest to just hack and disable that license crap as a
man-hour cost than it is to waste hours of my life on DECs bureaucracy.
(If you join ASAP, they kindly send you a new tree every 3 months. Its
what they do send you for the cost of ASAP membership; I just wish they
so pig-headed to expect you to type in those exceptionally tedious

I think nowadays we can expect that when we purchase a system, we
are not only buying a good machine, but a good infrastructure which
involve us spending days trying to figure out how to do the
simplest things.

DEC left a very bad taste in my mouth. If DECs sales & support were as
as their CPU engineers, DEC would be no#1. But the same thing goes for
Sun, IBM,

I leave in dream land!

> ...
> > Maybe Linux on the Alpha would be better for hacking purposes :-)
> ...
> I'm running it on a 433MHz alpha. It is significantly _SLOWER_ than on a 266Mhz alpha
> (using exactly the same executable, linked noshared).
> Of course it might be because the 266MHz has 2MByte cache, the 433MHz only 1MByte.
> They did not sell it with more cache...

Thats interesting to know. I think we reached the point in computer
where CPU MHz are totally irrelevant to performance and should be
with the same disdain as MIPs (e.g. compare 166MHz Pentium and 200MHz

Alas, evaluating a machines performance is no longer a simple task.

> --
> Rainer Landes                 eMail: Rainer.Landes@Physik.uni-karlsruhe.de
> Tel. (+49) 721 608 3578       http://fphvax.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/
> Computer facilities of the Faculty of Physics, University of Karlsruhe, GER

Paul David Fox		Lehman Brothers.	       | I do not speak for 
######################  E-mail:	pfox@lehman.com	       | Lehmans.
# This space for rent#  Home: fox@crisp.demon.co.uk    | I say is my own
######################  Tel: +44 171 601 0011 x6397    | stupid fault.