*BSD News Article 84706

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From: John Lucas <jlucas@jnet.vi>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: [2.2-ALPHA] ADAPTEC 2940 problems
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 11:28:11 -0400
Organization: University of the Virgin Islands
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Jason Gabler wrote:
> My dmesg looks looks like this:
> [...]
> (ahc0:0:0): "SEAGATE ST32550N 0019" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd0(ahc0:0:0): Direct-Access 2047MB (4194058 512 byte sectors)
> ahc0:A:5: refuses WIDE negotiation.  Using 8bit transfers
> (ahc0:5:0): "NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:462 1.14" type 5 removable SCSI 2
> [...]
> However,
> what is this with the 8bit transfers?  I have the sneaking feeling
> this is the reason why my cd-device may not be work working well with
> audio cd's (even with "cdplayer" !!)

I'm not using 2.2-anything, but the "refuses WIDE negotiation" error can be
avoided by turning of WIDE negotiation with that SCSCI device (looks like 5 in
your case). This is done in the Adaptec BIOS (ctrl-A at boot). Standard SCSCI,
uses 8-bit parallel transfers (so does the narrow "Ultra" spec); only WIDE
devices use 16-bit. It looks like both of your devices are "narrow" (the
st32550W would be the wide equivalent) and so I assume they are on the same
(internal) cable attached to the 50-pin (big) connector, with nothing attached
to either the external 68-pin connector or the internal 68-pin (small)
connector, right? And I further assume that only the last device on the cable is

| John Lucas                          jlucas@jnet.vi                 |
| Information Technology              NIC Handle: JL423              |
| University of the Virgin Islands    (809) 693-1216                 |
| St. Thomas, VI 00802                http://www.jnet.vi/jlucas.html |