*BSD News Article 84761

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From: "Duane H. Hesser" <dhh@androcles.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Same user id's
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 22:31:40 -0800
Organization: Northwest Nexus Inc.
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Ben Barton wrote:
> I am currently hosting several domains on my machine, and am rather
> nerw to doing this.  However, a problem surfaced the other day when
> one of my customers wanted to use sales@hisdomain.com  when the user
> id sales was already in the system, just registered to another domain.
> These are virtual sites I am hosting, all on one machine. I am also
> acting as the mail server for these domains also.  Does anyone have an
> idea that would allow me to have sales@domain1.com and
> sales@domain2.com??
> Thanks,
> Ben

1) Aliases?
2) Separate mail handlers (e.g. sendmail) for each domain?

Duane H. Hesser