*BSD News Article 84958

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From: conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Tips : Dynamic PPP On-Demand Setup
Date: 14 Dec 1996 16:14:06 GMT
Organization: NeoSoft, Inc.  
Lines: 57
Message-ID: <58ujoe$9to@uuneo.neosoft.com>
References: <58jrqe$vks@lantana.singnet.com.sg>
    <87k9qnaglm.fsf@luddite.org> <58t4j9$qnm@lantana.singnet.com.sg>
Reply-To: conrads@neosoft.com
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:32604

In article <58t4j9$qnm@lantana.singnet.com.sg>,
	light@singnet.com.sg (Jason Tseng) writes:
> Jay Sachs <sachs@interactive.net> wrote:
>>> 1) Initialize the tun0 device to some dummy addresses by typing:
>>> "ifconfig tun0 inet x.x.x.x y.y.y.y" at the shell prompt, where
>>> x.x.x.x is your localhost address and y.y.y.y is some other dummy
>>> address. eg.
>>> $ ifconfig tun0 inet
>>> * where is my local host address. This address IS
>>> IMPORTANT and must be the same as the one found in the hosts file.
>>> * is just a dummy address
>>This should be unnecessary. Also, an separate IP address for your own
>>machine in /etc/hosts is unecessary. You can stick the hostname you
>>chose (in /etc/sysconfig) as another alias for
> i dont know if this has any implications. but i always get
> "SIOCAIFADDR:Device not configured" when i start ppp in auto mode.
> so what is happening now, is that i need to ifconfig (not in
> sysconfig) tun0 before calling ppp -auto. otherwise, nothing happens
> at all even after a few minutes from my first ping. setting "route=NO"
> will had the same effect even after ifconfig-uring tun0, so i have to
> leave it as "route=routed". 

I've noticed the same behavior.   It seems that without an external
ifconfig, nothing ever reaches the interface.  I've also seen the
"SIOCAIFADDR:Device not configured" message intermittently.

This is so crazy!  Some people here are saying it should work without
ifconfig/routed, but I'll be damned if I can get it to do so!

> in this configuration, the modem doesnt seem to hangup after
> connecting and it also doesnt really dial 'ondemad' but rather a short
> while after my first ping.

Jay Kuri <jaykuri@oneway.com> sent me the URL for his web page on how to
setup on demand ppp under FreeBSD.  Followed his very clear instructions
and it *worked*!

Interestingly enough, his solution involves using a shell script to invoke
ppp *and* do some external fiddling with ifconfig/routing info.  Perhaps
some of the ppp experts in this group would like to check it out and
verify that his info is accurate.  All I know is that it *works*
(hallelujah!).  :-)

See http://pinky.interaccess.com/jay/freebsd/ppp.html (thanks again,

Conrad Sabatier                  | 
conrads@neosoft.com              |  Eschew obfuscation.
http://www.neosoft.com/~conrads  |