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From: Poly Resin Wizard Frog <poly@resin.wizard.frog>
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Subject: Re: Linux and dedicated ISDN Internet Service
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 15:39:30 -0500
Organization: Northeastern University, Boston, MA. 02115, USA
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> :  Hello.  I am  thinking  about setting up  a Linux   server and  running  a
> :  commercial  ISP with a  friend.   I have  never ran  or configured a Linux

	Good for You, I advise you check out the linux faq's they will have
recomendations for hard ware, what is and isn't supported, etc check out
the linux documentation project.

> :  computer so I have a few questions.  What is the  best hardware for Linux?
> :  What is  the best motherboard?   Does it matter  what backup drive, CD-ROM
> :  drive, or video card  I get? What distribution  to get?  How do I allocate
	sort of if your get stuff that is too new it may not be wholly
supported for god's sake check out the FAQ's to avoid mucho headaches.

> :  virtual memory, i.e.  the size of the HD part used for swapping?  How much
> :  RAM do  I need?  Can Linux  function as well  as other, commercial Unixes?

	YOu probably will want at least 64M if not 128M physial (u are letting
others run shells on your machine so u will need a godd amount .. make
your swap generous too

> :  (Digital Unix,   Solaris,  etc)  Are  there  any problems  with  sendmail,
	BUgs are documented at several places, sunsite is a good source of
I assume u are going to be running this on an X86 machine .. Linux can
and does perform and I have seen some damn good machines running FreeBSD
but if want a commercial unix port you could go to Solaris x86 some of
my friends are big fans of it.... but it ain't free, (unless you can
find somebody to give it too you heh heh) but then you wouldn't be
eligible for support from them which you will obviously need.

> :  Xwindows, et cetera?  We will get a dedicated  digital ISDN line, probably

	If you get a supported video card you shouldn't have much of a prob
with this one ... Redhat linux has a nice xserverand also an I'm stupid,
what do I do now packaging system as well as a lot of automated
administrator tasks , big fluffy icons, you'll like it, but buy the cd
dont download it ... save yourself some hassel. I also like the common
desktop environment.

> :  a less  expensive 128Kbps one  and lease some  phone lines.  I now have an
> :  opportunity to invest money in a commercial ISP and  some of the questions
> :  I have are: How much will it cost to set up a  good Linux server and run a
> :  commercial ISP?    How  many users  does one  need  to break   even?  I am
> :  thinking $15  per month would   be a reasonable   charge.  How many  phone
> :  lines?  What is the best ratio of  users to phone lines?   I heard that it

	You should send some mail to some isps and ask them this one..

> :  should be 10 to 1.  I  want to get the least  expensive setup possible.  I
> :  know  that DEC hardware  is very expensive  that is why  I want  to set up
> :  Linux.   I would really  appreciate  input from those  who have experience
> :  with Linux servers or ISP in general. How much money should we be prepared
> :  to spend to survive?
> :  I understand that I will have to get a server, modems,  lease an ISDN line
> :  and phone  lines,  a fax machine,  an   extra phone line,  rent an  office
> :  because I don't  think I could run  a business  from  my apartment  in the
> :  commonwealth of Virginia.  I will have  to get a  business license.  Do we
> :  need insurance?  How much should we spend on advertising and how should we
> :  advertise?  If this works  out I  will consider leasing   a high speed  T1
> :  line, which is expensive - $1500+/month in our area.  What services should
> :  we provide?  Email, WWW, dynamic and  static PPP/SLIP, Unix shell, usenet,

That stuff is up to you

> :  IRC, anonymous FTP  are the basic ones,  anything else?  How do we support
> :  users dialing in on different platforms?  What software  do we need to let
> :  users on all basic  platforms (Mac, Windows NT, 95,  3.1, OS2, Unix,  etc)

if you provide ppp your mac clients will need macPPP (it is free ware so
use it), NT and win 95 clients will have PPP software built right in to
the os u just need to configure it, win 3.1 users will need trumpet
winsock with a script configured to your site, os 2 ???????, unix people
will probably handle themselves but who knows nobody can know everthing
... but most unix's come with a PPP package.
	And every one (unix people should be able to take care of them self in
this area) will want netscape, telnet ( ncsa for the mac, maybe crt for
the pc people), ftp (fetch for the mac, wsftp 16&32 bit versions for the
pc people), let 'em get their own irc clients (ircle or homer for the
mac, pc ???), will you allow them to run x at their homes??? if so they
will need exodus for the mac people and exceed for the PC types.

> :  dial in?  I assume that once I test this with just a  few users the system
> :  should not be much harder to set up for many  users.  How exactly do I get
> :  a domain name for our machine and how much will it cost?  I expect to lose

	domain names arent too expensive contact internic

> :  money initially, and maybe  break even after a year.   Our primary goal is
> :  not to make money, but just to survive.  My knowledge of networking is not
> :  advanced but I hope to learn in  the process.  I  understand that Linux is

	oh yoou will learn

> :  more popular than FreeBSD, but should I  consider getting FreeBSD instead?
> :  Are there any  good books,  magazines or  www sites on  ISP, Linux? Please
> :  email your ideas/suggestions/comments. Thank you for your time.

ANd for god sake cram anything you can about computers and networking
into your brain, you will need it.

Hey anyone with a dream shouldn't be put down ...